martedì 8 dicembre 2009

La scelta di sostituire Volterra

Ecco cosa hanno pensato Charlie Bewley, David Brisbin e Wick Godfrey sulla decisione di sostituire Volterra per girare le scene in Italia di New Moon. Anche se io, essendo volterrana, posso ricevere qualsiasi tipo di spiegazione, " simmetria della piazza...", comunque mi è rimasto l'amaro in bocca per questa sostituzione.... e come me penso che sia stato per tante altre persone.....
Charlie Bewley, David Brisbin, Wick Godfrey
La scelta di sostituire Volterra

19/11/2009. Charlie Bewley (Actor): I think and the decision was probably made that we could find somewhere on location in Vancouver or we could go to Italy and really embrace what it is about the Volturi. Chris and Wick flew out there. They did so much research into finding the right place. When the found it, it was between Volterra and Montepulciano. It just didn’t work in Volterra, so they made the decision to go into Montepulciano, which is this little rustic – it’s beautiful, so ethereal"
16/11/2009. David Brisbin (Production Designer) [..] In Meyer’s book, the Volturi reside in the ancient Italian city of Volterra, a real location in Tuscany. “The choice of Montepulciano as our Volterra was a big discussion,” Brisbin says. “Chris wanted architectural antiquity to guide us in making the world of Volterra. Montepulciano is in fact a medieval city, and the piazza and the city hall there gave him an access that would allow him to do a symmetrical shot. And that quite specifically was the reason we ended up in Montepulciano.” Meyer’s descriptions of Volterra and the Volturi stronghold provided a solid blueprint for Brisbin to work with. “If there’s such a thing as fiction writing for production design, Stephenie Meyer’s Volterra is a very successful example of it,” he notes. “She imagined a world in which the architecture contributes to the story." [..]
17/07/2009 Wyck Godfrey (Producer): Well you know it’s interesting because ultimately Stephanie didn’t visit Italy until after she had written the books, you know? It was kind of like her research was all kind of online and whatnot. And what we did as filmmakers…okay we know what we need for the movie. Great square, huge group of people kind of in the middle, clock tower that you can see. It has to feel like beautiful epic, all that stuff because we’ve been waiting the whole movie for her to get back to Edward and we want it to be great. So we took a trip, went around like 12 different towns in Tuscany and we just literally went from square…each of those small ancient towns has a great square with a church and a tower and everything and we basically found the one that we thought was the best in terms of just atmosphere, you know, what it’s going to feel like. And we went, 'That’s it. That’s great.' And sometimes it’s about just the symmetry of the square. There’s always that one thing in a town you’re like 'I love that. I love that. Ahh that doesn’t work' you know? So we got to Montepulciano it was like 'Great. It works.' It’s perfect, you know?

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