domenica 20 dicembre 2009

Taylor nel remake di Vision Quest?

Secondo E! News, Taylor Lautner potrebbe essere preso per un ruolo nel remake del film del 1985, Vision Quest.

“Taylor ha visto la sceneggiatura ed è molto eccitato all'idea del film" dice una fonte. "E' molto in linea con la sua atleticità".

Il portavoce di Taylor non ha risposto alle richieste di conferme e la Warner Bros, a cui appartengono i diritti di Vision Quest, conferma solo che il film si sta sviluppando.

Vision Quest parla di un wrestler, Louden Swain che decide di voler essere più che un altleta liceale. Suo padre affitta una stanza ad una sbandata, Carla, Swain si innamora della ragazza e lei lo aiuta a stare concentrato e a non distrarsi dai suoi obbiettivi.


According to E! News, Taylor Lautner may possibly be up for a role in the remake of the 1985 drama Vision Quest.

He could wind up playing an updated version of Modine’s character in the still-in-development film, which counts Wyck Godfrey and Marty Bowen of Temple Hill Entertainment (and Twilight and New Moon fame) as producers. We hear that Richard Munic has penned a screenplay that is “very faithful” to the original Vision Quest.

“Taylor saw [the script] and is really excited about it,” says a source. “It’s very much in line with his athleticism. His character is someone who’s striving for greatness.”

A rep for Lautner didn’t respond to a request for comment and Warner Bros., which owns the rights to Vision Quest, remained mum on whether it’s considering the shirtless wonder for the lead, confirming only that the film is in development.

Here’s a little info from IMDb of the 1985 film Vision Quest: “Vision Quest is a coming of age movie in which high school wrestler Louden Swain decides he wants to be something more than an average high school athlete. His father rents a room to a young drifter, Carla. Swain falls in love with her and she helps him stay focused and prevents him from losing sight of his goals.”

The offers are pouring in for Taylor now! Good for Taylor. I know a few women who would love to play that drifter, Carla. *wink*

“Crazy for you” by Madonna. *sigh* Oh, the memories!! So, what do you guys think about Taylor possibly playing this role?

Fonte: NewMoonMovie

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