sabato 19 dicembre 2009

‘New Moon’ Exclusive: Chris Weitz Reveals Five Secrets in the Film!

New Moon
director Chris Weitz lets us in on a few secrets from the New Moon Movie. Did you notice any of these things? Read on:

1. Hidden wolves
”Look for an upside-down engraving of a wolf in the shot of the bowl in which Carlisle burns his first-aid equipment; on Jacob’s T-shirt when he meets Bella in the school parking lot for the first time; and a wolf trinket on the dream-catcher that he gives her.”

2. Vampire elevator music
”When Edward, Bella, and Alice get into the elevator on their way to see the Volturi, the music playing in the elevator is from Strauss’ Die Fledermaus (a.k.a. The Bat).”

3. Emotional baggage?
”When Bella is looking for the meadow where she and Edward are seen lying down together, she carries a golden compass clipped to her backpack — part of my baggage!”

4. Speedy suitor
”We did a little trick when Edward gets out of Bella’s truck and they’re arguing. We wanted to show Edward moving impossibly quickly, so we put Rob right next to the camera but out of sight, and used a double dressed like Rob in the driver’s seat. When Edward gets out, it’s the double, and then Rob steps in front of the camera, and it looks as if he got there faster than humanly possible.”

5. Look it up
”And last but not least: If you want to know what Jacob says before he almost kisses Bella, ask a Quileute! The address of the Quileute tribal council is I can tell you this much: He says, Kwop kilawtley.”

Chris will be revealing more secrets tomorrow - so head over to to see them!

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